Wednesday, 30 June 2010

False friends - to prevent

to prevent

No significa prevenir, sino impedir.

1 prevent sb from doing sth
   impedir que algn haga algo
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of prevent: stop, check, restrain, silence, disturb

2 prevent sth (from) happening
a)    evitar algo
b)   prevenir algo
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of prevent: stop, avoid, interfere with, head off, avert

Get It Right!: prevent
The verb prevent is never followed by an infinitive. Use the patterns prevent someone/something doing something or prevent someone/something from doing something:
They tried to prevent me to leave.
They tried to prevent me leaving.
They tried to prevent me from leaving.
Prevent can also be used with a direct object:
The main task of the police is to detect and prevent crime.


1. She was prevented from speaking to the manager.

His disability prevents him (from) driving.

We tried to prevent her, but she was determined to go.

The owner is prevented by law from making any major changes.

She was sure the noise would prevent her sleeping at night.

2. Label your suitcases to prevent confusion.

Regular cleaning may help prevent infection.

If necessary, add a little water to prevent sticking.

Rubber seals are fitted to prevent gas from escaping.

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