Monday 30 January 2012


When you do something that you know you should not do and that may cause you serious trouble or risk, you say JUGAR CON FUEGO in Spanish.
In English you do not use the verb play, not even the word fire.

How do you say NO JUEGUES CON FUEGO in English?

Last week word: CHUPAO,
I was thinking of IT IS A PIECE OF CAKE,
but you did a great job with your answers, CONGRATULATIONS!

Saturday 28 January 2012

Vaug Class 13 - Some and Any 1

Vaughan Lesson
Some and Any (i)
Cuando queremos hablar de una cantidad indeterminada de un sustantivo incontable (azúcar, vino, agua etc.) con un verbo en afirmativo, "some" precede al nombre. Por cierto, no se pronuncia "som" sino "sáam". Cuando el sustantivo incontable es el sujeto del verbo, este último tiene que ir en singular.
Conseguí ahorrar algo de dinero el mes pasado.
I managed to save some money last month.
Hay azúcar en la estantería de arriba.
There's some sugar on the top shelf.
Me apetece mucho tomar vino con la cena.
I really feel like some wine with dinner.
Te has manchado la camisa con tinta.
You've spilt some ink on your shirt.
Creo que necesito agua; me siento algo mareado.
I think I need some water; I'm feeling a bit faint.
Sin embargo, en cuanto empleamos un verbo en negativo, "some" se convierte en "any". Una vez más, ten cuidado con la pronunciación: no se dice "ani" sino "eni". * Verás que algunos sustantivos contables en español no lo son en inglés.
No me queda cerveza en la nevera.
I don't have any beer left in the fridge.
Todavía no tenemos muebles en el piso.
We haven't got any furniture* in the flat yet.
No hay leña en la leñera.
There isn't any wood in the woodshed.
No quiero hielo en mi ginebra.
I don't want any ice in my gin.
No me dieron ningún buen consejo.
They didn't give me any good advice*.
Las 4 joyas del Vaughan Review
Repasa estos cuatro puntos del Vaughan Review para aumentar tu vocabulario. Truco: para aprender una palabra nueva, repítela hasta la saciedad.
Key Learning:
La pasiva en inglés siempre requiere el verbo "to be" más el participio pasado. It's being done. - Se está haciendo.
One expression:
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Es mejor pájaro en mano que ciento volando.
One phrasal verb:
To speak up - hablar más alto Would you like me to speak up a little? - ¿Quieres que hable un poco más alto?
One adjective:
Rainy - lluvioso
Johann and Teresa spent a rainy weekend in Brighton. - Johann y Teresa pasaron un fin de semana lluvioso en Brighton.
Listening & Reading
Wok English?
Practica tu vocabulario con estas palabras recogidas del juego de mesa Wok English? de Vaughan. Ideal para aprender vocabulario eficazmente, para no olvidarlo nunca.
Pista de aterrizaje
Puedes descargarte esta lección en un archivo comprimido que contiene pdf + mp3 aquí 
No te pierdas la lección de la próxima semana

Friday 27 January 2012



Listen to the telephone conversation.
Choose the correct answer.

1. Mrs Platt is Mrs Grey’s
a) neighbour
b) social worker
c) relative
2. Mr Fields is Mrs Grey’s
a) friend
b) son
c) nephew
3. What is wrong with Mrs Grey’s sockets?
a) They are not safe
b) There are too few of them
c) They do not work properly
4. What is Mr Fields going to do?
a) Take Mrs Platt’s advice
b) Ask for his aunt’s opinion
c) Have some work done
5. How does Mr Fields feel about the phone call?
a) offended
b) embarrassed
c) both

Tuesday 24 January 2012




Click on the link to watch this video. You are very welcome to leave your comment

Sunday 22 January 2012




Aims: To understand vocabulary related to the weather.
Skills: Reading comprehension/Oral interaction.
Description: Classifying weather-related vocabulary into mild or extreme.
Classify the following words and phrases into the different columns. Use a dictionary, if necessary.
Drizzle – storms – mist – a hurricane – showers – clear skies - flooding – winds of 80 mph – tornados – a heat-wave – lightning - gloomy weather - rain cats and dogs – smog – dense fog –persistent rain – an Indian summer – light breezes - temperatures of over 30 degrees C – bright sunshine – grey skies – thick cloud – a frost.


Aims: To understand the main information and details in a weather forecast.
You will listen to two on-line TV weather forecasts (of Oregon, and the British Isles).
Listen to the first part of a TV weather forecast for the British Isles and fill in the gaps with the appropriate words or expressions:

Let´s just take a recap of the __________ __________ (1) we had on Sunday. _____________ (2) was the top temperature in Scotland. Birmingham had just short of 14 hours of _____________(3). It wasn´t quite so great down towards the Southwest. There was more ________ (4) around here though with some __________ __________(5) for Torquay.
Definitely, I think, a better looking morning here this morning. Some sunshine across most of the __________(6) of England. For England and __________(7) in general, a__________(8) start, some patchy outbreaks of rain through the morning .Scotland and ____________ (9) definitely getting the best of today´s sunshine. Hopefully, they´ll send us a little bit further south too, into northern England and __________ (10) through the afternoon. But then, that squeezes __________ __________ (11) further south, so for the south coast a ___________ ____________ (12) and the rain arriving here towards the evening.
And wherever you are today, even if you keep the sunshine, it´s going to be a __________ __________ definitely (13) than yesterday. Northerly __________ (14) setting into all parts of the UK. The biggest contrast, probably coming in across______________(15); after that 21 degrees yesterday, just ____________(16) degrees today, really will be a disappointment!
__________ _________ (17) today probably 15 or 16 towards the south coast… but here things getting greyer and __________ (18) as the day wears on…
Now the cloud in the south will ship out of the way, though, over night tonight leaving __________ (19) spells behind. That then, though, means quite a wide spread __________ (20), so God knows… beware.



When something is very easy, let's say a test or an exam, we usually say that
"estaba chupado", but you do not say that in English. You do not even use the same verb.

How do you say "el examen estaba chupado", meaning that it was very easy?

Saturday 21 January 2012

Vaug Class 12 - Until vs Up to

Vaughan Lesson
Until vs Up to
Empleamos "until" para decir "hasta" con una referencia en el tiempo (día, mes, hora o acción en concreto.)
Tienes hasta el próximo viernes para terminar el proyecto.
You've got until next Friday to finish the project.
No me iré hasta que llegues.
I won't go until you arrive.
Se quedará allí hasta que se muera.
He will stay there until he dies.
No lo sabré hasta que no se publiquen los resultados.
I won't know until the results are published.
Te esperaremos hasta las cinco.
We'll wait for you until five o'clock.
Sin embargo, cuando queremos decir "hasta" referido a un punto físico (por ejemplo una cumbre) o a un periodo de tiempo se suele decir "up to".
A veces tengo que esperar hasta 30 minutos.
Sometimes I have to wait for up to 30 minutes.
Llegó hasta la cumbre sin oxígeno.
He climbed up to the summit without oxygen.
Tuvimos que reenviar el documento hasta 20 veces.
We had to resend the document up to 20 times.
Tienes seis meses para mejorar tu inglés.
You have up to six months to improve your English.
El agua me llegó a las rodillas.
The water came up to my knees.
Las 4 joyas del Vaughan Review
Repasa estos cuatro puntos del Vaughan Review para aumentar tu vocabulario. Truco: para aprender una palabra nueva, repítela hasta la saciedad.
Key Learning:
"Anymore" se emplea junto a un verbo en negativo y siempre al final. I don't play sport anymore. - Ya no practico deporte.
One expression:
Rome wasn't built in a day.
No se ganó Zamora en una hora.
One phrasal verb:
To take down - apuntar Take down my name and number. - Apunta mi nombre y número (de teléfono).
One adjective:
Self-confident - seguro de sí mismo.
Why are you so self-confident? - ¿Por qué estás tan seguro de ti mismo?
Listening & Reading: Verbos Esenciales 1
Practica con este extracto seleccionado del Verbos Esenciales 1.
I have a flat.
I don't have a mansion.
You have a pair of high heel shoes.
You don't have any manners.
You have an exam.
You don't have any pens.
He has an office.
He doesn't have an operating table.
She has a bar.
She doesn't have a pinball machine.
Puedes descargarte esta lección en un archivo comprimido que contiene pdf + mp3 aquí 
No te pierdas la lección de la próxima semana

Friday 20 January 2012



You will listen to part of a radio programme where people are giving their views on pollution.
Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Lidia
a) cannot drive
b) has decided not to use a car
c) never uses public transport
2. Les
a) doesn’t agree with Lidia
b) agrees with Lidia
c) thinks Lidia is silly
3. Les thinks public transport
a) is good in his city
b) is expensive for workers
c) should be improved
4. Gordon is asking for
a) a route for people with special needs
b) a bicycle lane
c) a new road
5. Mary suggests
a) cyclists shouldn’t be allowed on roads
b) cyclists don’t need a driving test
c) car drivers shouldn’t take a driving test

Thursday 19 January 2012


Pinochet judge on trial in Madrid

The Spanish judge who famously indicted late Chilean leader Augusto Pinochet has gone on trial charged with illegally authorising police to bug lawyers' conversations with clients.
Garzon denies any wrongdoing but if convicted he could be suspended from the legal profession for 17 years.
His supporters say he is being unfairly targeted by people who resent his work on human rights.

Carolina Robino reports.


Saturday 14 January 2012

Vaug Class 11 - To run out (of)

Vaughan Lesson
To run out (of)
Un verbo muy útil que empleamos para decir que "se ha acabado algo" o "quedarse sin". Si va con objeto, hay que usar las dos preposiciones seguidas antes del objeto.
Me he quedado sin leche.
I've run out of milk.
Se me están acabando las ideas.
I'm running out of ideas.
Se quedaron sin gasolina en la autopista.
They ran out of petrol on the motorway.
Me quedé sin dinero a las diez así que tuve que ir a un cajero automático.
I ran out of money at ten so I had to go to a cash machine.
¿Qué harías si te quedaras sin agua en medio del Sahara?
What would you do if you ran out of water in the middle of the Sahara desert?
Cuando ya hemos mencionado el objeto no hace falta usar un pronombre con este verbo. En estos casos tampoco empleamos la segunda preposición "of". Otra cosa: como verbo intransitivo (que no lleva objeto), significa "caducar".
¿Tienes azúcar?No, se me acabó ayer.
Do you have any sugar?No, I ran out yesterday.
¿Llevas dinero encima?No, se me ha acabado.
Have you got any cash on you?No, I've run out.
¿Tuvisteis bastante gasolina para volver a casa?No, nos quedamos a cinco millas de casa.
Did you have enough petrol to get back home?No, we ran out five miles short of our house.
Me caduca el visado al final de este mes.
My visa runs out at the end of this month.
Tengo que renovar mi suscripción al Vaughan Review ya que caduca el mes que viene.
I must renew my subscription to The Vaughan Review as it runs out next month.
Las 4 joyas del Vaughan Review
Repasa estos cuatro puntos del Vaughan Review para aumentar tu vocabulario. Truco: para aprender una palabra nueva, repítela hasta la saciedad.
Key Learning:
En inglés las cosas "no tienen importancia" sino que "son importantes".It's no longer important. - Ya no tiene importancia.
One expression:
Fire away
Adelante. Pregúntame lo que quieras.
One phrasal verb:
To win over (someone) - convencer a alguienWe won him over to our cause. - Le convencimos a pasar a nuestro bando.
One adjective:
Slippery - Resbaladizo
¡Ten cuidado! Los escalones son resbaladizos. - Be careful! The steps are very slippery.
Listening & Reading: Vaughan Review
Practica con este extracto seleccionado del Vaughan Review. Léelo junto con el archivo de audio adjunto a esta lección.
¡Decídete ya!
Make up your mind!
Ha decidido renunciar a su puesto.
He's made up his mind to quit his job.
¿Pescado o carne? No me puedo decidir.
Fish or meat? I can't make my mind up.
Ha decidido dejarles.
She's made up her mind to leave them.
Tienes que decidirte pronto.
You need to make up your mind soon.
Puedes descargarte esta lección en un archivo comprimido que contiene pdf + mp3 aquí 
No te pierdas la lección de la próxima semana

Friday 13 January 2012



You will hear someone telling a police officer about a break-in at her home. Listen and complete the missing information on the form below.

DATE: 17th June TIME: 17.45
NAME: _________________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________

Estimated time of offence: __________________________
Articles missing Value Identification
________________ _________ ___________________
________________ _________ ___________________
________________ _________

Damage to property: ____________________________________

Thursday 12 January 2012


Can you find out who killed Angela Spelling?

This is a reading comprehension interactive game for solving a murder case.
Procedure: It is important that you print out the clues sheet before starting the game, as it will remind you which information you are scanning for.
Click on the following link and follow instructions, have fun!

Tuesday 10 January 2012


Have you ever played CLUEDO?

Let's check how good you are at it. We are going to test your awareness.

Click on the following link and watch the video. Who did it?

Saturday 7 January 2012

Vaug Class 10 - To keep + gerund

Vaughan Lesson
To keep
Hay una forma del verbo "to keep" + gerundio que los españoles no suelen utilizar. Sin embargo se trata de una expresión de uso frecuente. Keep + ing = No dejar / no parar de hacer algo. Utilizamos este verbo cuando nos sentimos algo molestos o enojados.
Esa empresa de telemarketing no para de llamarme.
That telemarketing company keeps (on) phoning me.
Mi vecina no para de hablar de sus nietos.
My neighbour keeps (on) going on about her grandchildren.
Mi dentista no deja de cancelarme las citas.
My dentist keeps (on) cancelling my appointments.
Cuando era joven, mi hermano no dejaba de pegarme.
When I was young, my brother kept (on) hitting me.
Mi jefe no deja de darme trabajo.
My boss keeps (on) giving me work!
To keep doing something = To keep on doing something. Habrás visto que he puesto entre paréntesis la preposición "on". Una expresión es sinónima de la otra. Aunque se usa menos, es importante reconocerla por si la escuchas alguna vez.
Él no deja de molestarme con sus problemas.
He keeps (on) annoying me with his problems.
A pesar de mis protestas, no deja de poner la música fuerte.
Despite my protests, he keeps (on) playing his music loud.
Mi impresora no deja de atascarse.
My printer keeps (on) jamming. ("Jam": como "traffic jam")
Ese empleado nuevo no deja de coquetear con las chicas de la oficina.
That new employee keeps (on) chatting up the girls in the office.
Mi coche no deja de calarse.
My car keeps (on) stalling.
Las 4 joyas del Vaughan Review
Repasa estos cuatro puntos del Vaughan Review para aumentar tu vocabulario. Truco: para aprender una palabra nueva, repítela hasta la saciedad.
Key Learning:
Cuando nos referimos a un pasado muy reciente, es mucho más común traducir "antes" por "earlier" que por "before". It's a good thing I didn't call you earlier! - ¡Menos mal que no te llamé antes!
One expression:
I'm all ears.
Tienes toda mi atención.
One phrasal verb:
To tell off - regañar Telling people off isn't always constructive. - Regañar a la gente no siempre es constructivo.
One adjective:
Resourceful - Ingenioso
We're looking for someone resourceful, especially under pressure. - Estamos buscando a alguien ingenioso, sobre todo bajo presión.
Listening & Reading: Phrasal verbs
Go Up
Tienes que subir a la quinta planta.
You have to go up to the 5th floor
Subí alli ayer.
I went up there yesterday.
Él volvió a subir para coger su chaqueta.
He went back up to get his jacket.
¿Podrías subir y coger mi cartera?
Could you go up and get my wallet?
Puedes descargarte esta lección en un archivo comprimido que contiene pdf + mp3 aquí 
No te pierdas la lección de la próxima semana