Monday 31 May 2010

Hearing comprehension 25

We propose you a hearing comprehension exercise. We're going to give you a paragraph every week (Mondays) to practice with it. Try to understand every single word. We advise you to write it, as if it were a dictation. You can send us your writtings here below clicking in 'comments'. We'll give you the right answer the following week. Try it!

Sunday 30 May 2010

Monday 24 May 2010

Hearing comprehension 24

We propose you a hearing comprehension exercise. We're going to give you a paragraph every week (Mondays) to practice with it. Try to understand every single word. We advise you to write it, as if it were a dictation. You can send us your writtings here below clicking in 'comments'. We'll give you the right answer the following week. Try it!

Here is the transcription to the last week listening:
John, this is the third month in a row you're missed your sales goal. Frankly, I believe you could have made those goals if you hadn't spent so much time sticking your nose where it didn't belong. Sometimes I think you're more interested in making sure everyone likes you than in doing your job. I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go. You've been a real disappointment. Here's your final paycheque. Clean out your desk.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Grammar in context - from La Teacher

When travelling to England, you will notice that most signs use written English instead of images or drawings as most countries do. So you'd better know their right meaning and check the use of your modal verbs and grammar, if you do not want to get into trouble.
Here you have some examples of warnings, informations, pieces of advice ... that you may find there.
Can you understand them?
Where would you expect to find them?
Make a guess!

Monday 17 May 2010



When you suggest something you offer an idea or a plan for someone to consider
I suggest going to the new restaurant by the river
You usually use:
How about…?
Why don’t we/you…

When you propose (formal) something you suggest a plan, idea or action
Einstein proposed his theory of general relativity in 1915
Or to ask someone to get married, propose marriage
He proposed marriage , but she refused

Hearing comprehension 23

We propose you a hearing comprehension exercise. We're going to give you a paragraph every week (Mondays) to practice with it. Try to understand every single word. We advise you to write it, as if it were a dictation. You can send us your writtings here below clicking in 'comments'. We'll give you the right answer the following week. Try it!

Here is the transcription to the last week listening:
I've gained four kilos in four months. It's incredible. I used to look like Mr. Universe, but ever since I started working here, I can't find time to go to the gym and just sit all day talking on the phone and working on the computer. My life is quickly becoming sedentary, so sedentary that I'm starting to feel lazy even on the weekends. And business lunches are the worst of all. We start out with two or three martinis and then stuff ourselves.

Sunday 16 May 2010

Visiting Los Patios de Córdoba - The more, the merrier

Last Thursday a group of students went for a walk with Taylor and Rob, also La Teacher of course, to visit the wonderful Patios in Cordoba. The weather wasn't as good as it should, but we had a good time anyway. After the walking we enjoied some delicious tapas in "Casa Paco Acedo".
Here's a picture of the group. Click on it to enlarge.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Monday 10 May 2010

Hearing comprehension 22

We propose you a hearing comprehension exercise. We're going to give you a paragraph every week (Mondays) to practice with it. Try to understand every single word. We advise you to write it, as if it were a dictation. You can send us your writtings here below clicking in 'comments'. We'll give you the right answer the following week. Try it!

Here is the transcription to the last week listening:
A recent survey found that women prefer men without facial hair. Only three percent of women like men with beards and only eight percent like moustaches. As for the fashion in recent years in which men leave one or two days of beard growth, only two percent of the women surveyed found that fashion to their liking. So, men, you know what you have to do: shave every day.

Sunday 9 May 2010

ESL - English as Second Language - Podcast 18 - Getting Around (Fast)

Getting around in the United States is sometimes not very easy. Most people own their own cars, but not everyone can foot the bill for the car, plus the insurancegas, and maintenance. Most big cities have buses, but they are much slower than a car. Several cities in the U.S. have subway systems, but many do not. There are even fewer trains that transport daily commuters. In cities such as Los Angeles, public transportation is much more limited than in other countries.
To go to this week article click on the picture above.

Friday 7 May 2010

Practice your listening 13

Getting Groomed
Tom talks a little about what men are willing to do and pay to look good.

Thursday 6 May 2010


adjective /drəˈmætɪk/
1 sudden and surprising or easy to notice
a dramatic increase in sales
The change in him was dramatic.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of dramatic: surprising, amazing, astonishing, sensational, remarkable...
2 exciting and impressive
a dramatic game a dramatic cliff
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of dramatic: exciting, alive, fast, exotic, compelling...
3 dramatic behaviour is done to impress other people
Don’t be so dramatic!
She put a hand to her head with a dramatic gesture.
Synonyms or related words for this meaning of dramatic: grand, flamboyant, grandly...
4 relating to the theatre or plays
dramatic techniques

Weekly quotation from La Teacher

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Monday 3 May 2010

Hearing comprehension 21

We propose you a hearing comprehension exercise. We're going to give you a paragraph every week (Mondays) to practice with it. Try to understand every single word. We advise you to write it, as if it were a dictation. You can send us your writtings here below clicking in 'comments'. We'll give you the right answer the following week. Try it!

Here is the transcription to the last week listening:
Which would you rather have, a sure gain of 3,000 euros or an 80 percent chance of winning 4,000 euros and a 20 percent chance of winning nothing? And what if it were a choice between a sure loss of 3,000 euros or an 80 percent chance of losing 4,000 euros and a 20 percent chance of losing nothing? Our willingness to accept risk is higher when we are facing possible loss than when the identical risk is presented in terms of potential gain.

Sunday 2 May 2010

ESL - English as Second Language - Podcast 17 - Going to the Movies (Fast)

I love watching movies. I like a lot of different genres. No matter what my mood is, I can always find something that fits the bill. When I'm feeling down, I sometimes like a good comedy. My favorite are romantic comedies. The plot is pretty simple. A boy meets a girl and there are road blocks to them getting together. The lead actors are usually likable people, the supporting cast give comic relief andvillains are people we love to hate. In the end, though, there is usually a happy ending. Romantic comedies, or comedies in general, can be predictable but they're also pretty entertaining. I don't go out of my way to see slapstick or physical comedies that much. But, once in a while, I catch a good one on TV.
To go to this week article click on the picture above.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Pronunciation tips - Diphthongs (double vowel sounds) 1

Practice your listening 12

Beauty Regiment
Jess talks about hairstyling, manicures, and other beauty procedures women go through.