Saturday 27 February 2010

Pronunciation tips - Long Vowels - 1

Perhaps the most difficult issue to learn in a foreign language is differences between vowels. Here we provide you some very useful pronuntiation tips. Don't miss them every Saturday.

Practice your listening 4

Todd talks today about the jobs he has had. Just listen, answer and learn.

Friday 26 February 2010

Useful tips - How to get it!

This one is written in Spanish, but anyway if I were you, I'd read it. It's an advise by a famous and well known English teacher. To read it just click on the next link or on the picture: How to get it!

Monday 22 February 2010

Hearing comprehension 11

We propose you a hearing comprehension exercise. We're going to give you a paragraph every week (Mondays) to practice with it. Try to understand every single word. We advise you to write it, as if it were a dictation. You can send us your writtings here below clicking in 'comments'. We'll give you the right answer the following week. Try it!

Here is the transcription to the last week listening:
Alfred Adler, a famous Austrian psychologist, once said that the chief danger in life is that we may take too many precautions. That's easy to say, especially if, like Alfred Adler, you have few financial worries. For normal people like me, I have to be extremely careful with my money and how I invest it.

Sunday 21 February 2010

New tool in our blog

AnswerTips are small bubbles of information triggered by double-clicking any word on our page. So if you don't understand any word in this blog, you only have to double-click it, and you'll get a bubble (pop-up) with its definition, pronunciation, interesting information, and links to dictionaries, wikis, etc. Try it!

Practice your listening 3, AMERICAN ACCENT

What about some wildlife? Learn about the mountain lion with Todd.

Saturday 20 February 2010

Pronunciation tips - Short Vowels - 7

Perhaps the most difficult issue to learn in a foreign language is differences between vowels. Here we provide you some very useful pronuntiation tips. Don't miss them every Saturday.

Monday 15 February 2010

Hearing comprehention 10

We propose you a hearing comprehension exercise. We're going to give you a paragraph every week (Mondays) to practice with it. Try to understand every single word. We advise you to write it, as if it were a dictation. You can send us your writtings here below clicking in 'comments'. We'll give you the right answer the following week. Try it!

Here is the transcription to the last week listening:
If you don't make up your mind pretty soon, somebody will make it up for you. We've got to have a decision on the Peterson project by the end of this month or we'll risk losing the entire contract. You're the general manager and they think you're calling all the shots on this. It wouldn't be good to give them a different impression at this point in time.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Practice your listening 2, AMERICAN ACCENT

Today Todd talks about movies. Listen and answer the questions.

Saturday 13 February 2010

Some fun - Waiter jokes

Pronunciation tips - Short Vowels - 6

Perhaps the most difficult issue to learn in a foreign language is differences between vowels. Here we provide you some very useful pronuntiation tips. Don't miss them every Saturday.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Monday 8 February 2010

Hearing comprehension 9

We propose you a hearing comprehension exercise. We're going to give you a paragraph every week (Mondays) to practice with it. Try to understand every single word. We advise you to write it, as if it were a dictation. You can send us your writtings here below clicking in 'comments'. We'll give you the right answer the following week. Try it!

Here is the transcription to the last week listening:
I don't feel like working this morning. I've had three cups of coffee and I still can't keep my eyes open. I hardly slept last night after the hailstorm woke me up. It must have been around 4:30 before I was able to go back to sleep. It seems that the older I get, the more trouble I have getting a good night's sleep.

Sunday 7 February 2010

Practice your listening 1, AMERICAN ACCENT

Todd explains who the people are on the face of American dollar bills.

Saturday 6 February 2010

English jokes - Not that funny...

Some jokes to practice passives

1. What kind of ants are found in houses?
     > I don't know.

2. Why was the tennis player given a cigarette lighter at the end of the competition?
    > I don't know.
    Because he had lost all his matches!

3. Mum, do all fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time"?
    > No, darling. Some start with, "Sorry I'm so late, darling, I was detained at the office.

4. A man went to a hospital for a new brain. He was given a choice between two brains -an engineer's for €20,000 or a politician's for €500,000.
    Does that mean the politician's brain is much better?
    > Not exactly, said the doctor. The politician's brain has never been used.

5. I have been asked to get married hundreds of times.
    > Oh! Who by?
    My parents.

6. The body of a man was found in a house yerterday. The body had been chopped up into a thousand pieces and placed in a large plastic bag. Police have not ruled out suicide.

7. One week after he arrived in prison, Walter Gidon had his appendix removed. Soon after that he had two fingers amputated after an acciden in the prison kitchen. The prison boss said to one of the wardens:
    > Keep an eye on him. I think he's trying to escape bit by bit.

Pronunciation tips - Short Vowels - 5

The most important sound in English
Perhaps the most difficult issue to learn in a foreign language is differences between vowels. Here we provide you some very useful pronuntiation tips. Don't miss them every Saturday.

Monday 1 February 2010

Hearing comprehension 8

We propose you a hearing comprehension exercise. We're going to give you a paragraph every week (Mondays) to practice with it. Try to understand every single word. We advise you to write it, as if it were a dictation. You can send us your writtings here below clicking in 'comments'. We'll give you the right answer the following week. Try it!

Here is the transcription to this week listening:
There's been a breach in security. Last night somebody got into the server and messed up several database files. We'll need a couple of days to get things back the way they were, but I'm worried about how this happened. Whoever it was could've destroyed more than a year's work.