In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and melted butter; mix until smooth. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.
Watch Ric Elias talking about three things he learned while his plane crashed Listen without reading the transcript and then check how much you understood.
Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack. It sounds scary. Well I had a unique seat that day. I was sitting in 1D. I was the only one who could talk to the flight attendants. So I looked at them right away, and they said, "No problem. We probably hit some birds." The pilot had already turned the plane around, and we weren't that far. You could see Manhattan. Two minutes later, three things happened at the same time. The pilot lines up the plane with the Hudson River. That's usually not the route. (Laughter) He turns off the engines. Now imagine being in a plane with no sound. And then he says three words -- the most unemotional three words I've ever heard. He says, "Brace for impact." I didn't have to talk to the flight attendant anymore. (Laughter) I could see in her eyes, it was terror. Life was over.
Now I want to share with you three things I learned about myself that day. I learned that it all changes in an instant. We have this bucket list, we have these things we want to do in life, and I thought about all the people I wanted to reach out to that I didn't, all the fences I wanted to mend, all the experiences I wanted to have and I never did. As I thought about that later on, I came up with a saying, which is, "I collect bad wines." Because if the wine is ready and the person is there, I'm opening it. I no longer want to postpone anything in life. And that urgency, that purpose, has really changed my life.
The second thing I learned that day -- and this is as we clear the George Washington Bridge, which was by not a lot -- I thought about, wow, I really feel one real regret. I've lived a good life. In my own humanity and mistakes, I've tried to get better at everything I tried. But in my humanity, I also allow my ego to get in. And I regretted the time I wasted on things that did not matter with people that matter. And I thought about my relationship with my wife, with my friends, with people. And after, as I reflected on that, I decided to eliminate negative energy from my life. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better. I've not had a fight with my wife in two years. It feels great. I no longer try to be right; I choose to be happy.
The third thing I learned -- and this is as your mental clock starts going, "15, 14, 13." You can see the water coming. I'm saying, "Please blow up." I don't want this thing to break in 20 pieces like you've seen in those documentaries. And as we're coming down, I had a sense of, wow, dying is not scary. It's almost like we've been preparing for it our whole lives. But it was very sad. I didn't want to go; I love my life. And that sadness really framed in one thought, which is, I only wish for one thing. I only wish I could see my kids grow up. About a month later, I was at a performance by my daughter -- first-grader, not much artistic talent ... ... yet. (Laughter) And I'm balling, I'm crying, like a little kid. And it made all the sense in the world to me. I realized at that point, by connecting those two dots, that the only thing that matters in my life is being a great dad. Above all, above all, the only goal I have in life is to be a good dad.
I was given the gift of a miracle, of not dying that day. I was given another gift, which was to be able to see into the future and come back and live differently. I challenge you guys that are flying today, imagine the same thing happens on your plane -- and please don't -- but imagine, and how would you change? What would you get done that you're waiting to get done because you think you'll be here forever? How would you change your relationships and the negative energy in them? And more than anything, are you being the best parent you can?
February 14th is a day when close friends or loved ones send each other gifts to express their friendship or love. St Valentine's Day is believed to come from both Christian and Ancient Roman traditions - the Catholic church recognizes three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus. One legend says that a man named Valentine fell in love with a young girl who visited him when he was in prison. Before his death, it is thought that he wrote her a letter, which he signed "from your Valentine", an expression still in use today.
The funeral service for Whitney Houston has been taking place in New Jersey in the church where the star first sang as a child.
Houston's cousin, singer Dionne Warwick, presided over the ceremony. Stevie Wonder and Kevin Costner were among the celebrities paying tribute in person.
The singer was found dead one week ago in a hotel in Los Angeles at the age of 48. The BBC's Laura Trevelyan reports.
Are you sitting exams this week?
If so, BREAK A LEG!!! If someone says this to you, he means .....
Last week word:
Of course you can say DON'T PLAY WITH FIRE,
but I was thinking about
you are flirting with disaster Have you ever heard this one?
Listen to two phone calls to a radio programme where a security expert is giving advice. Complete First Caller Items stolen? ________________(1) and jewellery. Where from?_________________(2). Expert’s suggestions? _____________________________(3) and __________________________(4) Second Caller Items stolen? ____________________________________(5) Where from?_____________________________________(6) Expert’s suggestions? ____________________(7) _______________________________(8) _______________________________(9)
You will part of a radio programme about a computer hacker, an amateur computer expert who breaks into computer systems. Complete the sentences by writing a word or short phrase in each of the spaces 1.10.
Neil didn’t have (1) ___________________ when he left school. He broke into computer systems using his (2) ___________________. He didn’t intend (3) ___________________ the computer systems. He was the first computer hacker to (4) ___________________. Some computer hackers work in (5) ___________________. Inspector James uses (6) ___________________ methods to catch hackers. Neil used to leave joke messages for (7) ___________________. His messages became nasty when he thought he’d been (8) ___________________. He didn’t know that (9) ___________________ working alone got the messages. Neil was surprised that he could beat such (10) ___________________ staff.